First off congratulations to Thanos Koenigsberg on winning his 6th ring and becoming the inevitable.
Well, everyone else is doing it and I want to be popular to so here is my story of finding out the Russell Wilson trade.
I was a half hour into a workout when I received a phone call that a co-worker of mine had a seizure (she is okay now) at work and I was needed in early. The news came in about Wilson and I started celebrating however the only people at work with me we’re not football fans and couldn’t understand ny excitement. So I decided to go into the very Swanky and highly recommended if you’re not a part of it dnvr Lounge however Discord was down that day. I then tried to turn to Twitter to talk to my fellow Broncos brethren when at that moment my work was hit with a rush for a steady hour. So there I was, ready to burst with thhs information and no one to share the excitement with. Not the greatest series of events but who cares! Russ is here! Let’s ride!