I’m sorry Mase, but no, the NFL does not want minority representation. They say they do but what they really want is window dressing. They want a PR fix, not a real solution.
Look at the ownership rules. All of the limitations on what percentage can be owned by whom and how much leverage is allowed limits the possible owners. The only people who can realistically afford to buy the broncos are almost entirely white men. What individual black person can realistically get in a bidding war with Walton?
If the NFL wanted actual representation they would change the rules. They would allow for larger ownership groups that could get into that bidding war. They would allow the Denver community to raise the money and buy the team. They would provide financing to help minority owners get established.
If they wanted minority representation in the ownership room of the NFL they could have it any time. They do not. They had a chance here to change it and they chose not to.